Perú 2017 - Logo
XIV Congress of the Latin American Society for Sexual Medicine.
    Sol de Oro Hotel & Suites, Lima, Peru. September 7 - 9, 2016.
Machu Picchu

Call for Papers

International Society for Sexual Medicine - ISSM Sociedad Latinoamericana de Medicina Sexual - SLAMS

NEW deadline for the submission of abstracts: June 14, 2017.

Online abstracts submission

Rules for the submission of abstracts to the XIV Congress of the Latin American Society for Sexual Medicine - SLAMS 2017

  1. Abstracts can only be submitted through this website Abstracts sent by e-mail, regular mail or fax will not be accepted.
  2. NEW deadline for the submission of abstracts: June 14, 2017.
  3. The best accepted abstracts will be awarded.
  4. Abstracts must be in English, Spanish or Portuguese, and are subject to approval of the Multinational Review Committee.
  5. Abstracts submitted must be related to Sexual Medicine and to Sexual Dysfunctions.
  6. Abstracts must not have been previously published or submitted to other international scientific meetings.
  7. Abstract structure:

    • Introduction / Objective
    • Materials and Methods
    • Results
    • Conclusions
  8. Abstracts must adequately describe the objectives and results so that they can be evaluated by the Congress Scientific Committee.
  9. Use standard abbreviations.
  10. Abstracts where results are not stated will not be accepted.
  11. Accepted abstracts in English, Spanish or Portuguese will be published in the Congress Abstract Book.
  12. Abstracts will appear exactly as submitted, therefore it is suggested to avoid errors and misspellings. Corrections to the abstracts already submitted to SLAMS will not be accepted.
  13. Accepted abstracts, in English, will be published in a supplement of "The Journal of Sexual Medicine (JSM)". Authors of accepted abstracts in Spanish or Portuguese, interested in having their abstract published in a supplement of "The Journal of Sexual Medicine" (JSM), must submit the abstract in English within 15 days of receipt of the notification of acceptance. All accepted abstracts in English will be reviewed by an appointed idiomatic committee. If the text does not meet the standards of an international publication as The Journal of Sexual Medicine, the author will have to correct it within 4 days. If this requirements are not fulfilled the abstract in English will not be sent to The Journal of Sexual Medicine for publication.
  14. Important: The JSM Supplement with the SLAMS 2017 abstracts will be published if SLAMS has a minimun of 40 abstracts accepted in English.
  15. At least the presenter of an accepted paper must be registered to the Congress. If not, and without exceptions, the abstract will not be published.
  16. All required fields in the abstract form must be completed (e.g. title, authors, contact e-mail, etc.)
  17. Do not use abbreviations in the abstract title.
  18. The title, names or institutions should not be mentioned within the body of the abstract in order to ensure a blind review process by the Scientific Committee.
  19. Maximum length of the text is 1700 characters, not including spaces (aproximately 300 words).
  20. The Scientific Committee may modify the type of presentation indicated by the authors (oral, moderated poster, unmoderated poster) according to room availability and scientific quality.
  21. Authors of submitted papers will receive a confirmation that the abstract was received. Presenting authors will be notified of acceptance of their abstract with type of presentation before July 7, 2017. Authors of accepted abstracts must comply with requirement number 16 before August 7, 2017.
  22. Abstracts that do not comply with these rules will not be accepted.
  23. Please, send enquires about these rules to:

Instructions for using the online abstracts submission system

  • Technical support:
  • You are required to log in to the system before submitting an abstract. You will be asked to complete a form with your contact information and automatically you will be sent an access code to your e-mail address. With the access code you may log in to the system at any time before the deadline to submit a new abstract and to see a list of all your submitted abstracts. If you forget your code, click the reminder link "Forgot your code?" and your code will be emailed to you.
  • Once logged in to the system, click "Submit a new abstract". You will then be taken through the abstract submission process. Follow the on screen instructions as you move from step to step.
  • Fill in the complete names of the authors and their country of residence. Fill in the author's affiliations in the following order: department or division, hospital (or other institution), city, country.
  • We suggest that you prepare your abstract beforehand in your computer so you can copy and paste the text in the form's fields. If you prepare the abstract with a word processor, don't use any formatting options, bulleted lists or images. The form only accepts plain text. You can use any letter or symbol (eg. ±, ≤, ≥, α, β, etc.) available in the standard fonts.
  • There are fields to be filled in with the authors' information, don't repeat this information in the abstract text.
  • You can add a table. The table should be added with the facility provided by the system, separately from the text of the abstract. The table should be simple and not exceed the maximum size of 7 columns by 10 rows.
  • Before submitting your abstract, you will see a "preview" were you can check for errors.
  • Confirmation of receipt of abstract: When you have successfully submitted your abstract you will see a confirmation screen with a confirmation number, and a message will be sent to your e-mail address. The system allows amends to abstracts within 48hs of being sent, after this period the submitted abstract can't be modified.
  • In the preview the abstract should appear as the following sample:

Use of Ambicor penile prosthesis in Peyronie’s Disease and as replacement for malfunctioning AMS 700 device

Scarzella, GI1; Wilson, SK 2
1 George Washington University. 2 University of Arkansas.

Objective: Since introduction in 1996, we have used the Ambicor 2 piece prosthesis as our exclusive inflatable implant in a variety of clinical situations. This retrospective study evaluates device satisfaction, mechanical reliability and medical problems.

Material and Methods: The Ambicor 2 piece inflatable prosthesis was used in 77 consecutive patients presenting for impotence refractory to conservative therapy. We had previously performed 444 3 piece prostheses and the newly available device was offered to all patients regardless of etiology of impotence. Thirty-two were primary implants of which 20 had bothersome Peyronie’s Disease. The remaining 34 were replacement devices for a malfunctioning AMS 700. All implantations received peri-operative antibiotics, closed suction drainage and 4 weeks of post-operative antibiotics. Patients were followed 6 months - 6 years (average 3.5 years.)

Results: All patients are currently implanted with the device. All patients were queried regarding erection and flaccidity satisfaction. Most (95%) were satisfied or very satisfied. Four (12%) of the 34 revision patients were disappointed with girth when compared to their previous 3-piece but none to the extent of requesting revision surgery. All Peyronie’s patients had satisfactory straightening without further adjunctive procedures. There were no infections and 3 mechanical failures. Kaplan Meier statistical study shows 90% three-year survival from revision for mechanical reason.

Conclusions: The Ambicor 2-piece inflatable penile prosthesis has good patient satisfaction even when implanted for Peyronie’s Disease and patients who had previously had 3-piece devices. Mechanical reliability is similar to other inflatable devices and infections did not occur.

Secretaría SLAMS: Tel.: (54-11) 4822-1350 - Fax: (54-11) 4826-2832 - E-mail: